I don't often tell people this, but when I was five years old I had my first experience at catching a fish...and I haven't been the same since! It was about a five inch bluegill, and I thought I had caught the biggest fish in the world!
Caden 'long-arms' a decent bluegill for the camera. |
Bluegills and kids...ha-ha! Makes sense, doesn't it? You bait a hook, watch the bobber go under, set the hook! You never know what the next fish is gonna' be! Big, small, bass, bluegill...or, perhaps a pumpkinseed sunfish! Pumpkinseeds? What are they?
Pumpkinseeds are among the most brilliantly colored of all the sunfish...like slow moving creeks or ponds, but do well in larger, clear lakes. Taste great and put up a good fight. Eight to ten inchers are considered whoppers. My friend Pete and his young sons, Ryder and Caden and I enjoyed some 'super seed' fishing recently at a local pond on a pleasant August evening. Check out some of the action...
Pete and his son Caden with a decent bluegill! |
Ryder shows off a high-quality seed for the camera! |
Here Ryder and Caden 'double-up' on bluegills at the local panfish factory. They wore Pete and I out with their Huck Finn style of fishing! |
Magnum pumpkinseed sunfish more than fills the hand! |
My biggest 'seed' in a long time...9.25 inches. |
Caden shows off the top 'gill of the trip...a fine 9 1/2 incher! |
Spunky bluegill splattered Ryder with mud-flappin' fins on the release! |
Does this look good or what? |
What a great bunch of fun and a great evening of fishing! We caught maybe 30 gills and seeds and maybe a dozen bass. Top gills went 9 1/2 inches and we had some seeds that were almost as big! And the pond was just loaded with great looking structure! I gotta' go back, and soon!
Teaching kids to fish...it just makes sense. Like teaching them about the Bible and about Gods Word and His Grace, Glory and Kindness. We were blessed that night, but we are far more blessed with a gracious and loving Savior as Jesus Christ. In 3 John:5, it says ' I have no greater joy than to know my children are walking in the truth' . Wow! Can we all say that? If not, don't we wish we could?
As I watched Pete patiently assist and counsel and guide his two sons on a fishing trip, I could not help but imagine the same love and care that goes into every aspect of child rearing...and how important it is to instil Gods incredible qualities to our children. I wish I had payed attention to those who tried to instilled a Christ-centered walk in me during my days of youth.. Instead, I struggled, and eventually found it, with the aid of precious ones whom God put in my path. THANK YOU LORD!
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