Sunday, May 12, 2013


Crystal clear gillin'! The ledge below is in 15 feet of water!
I have been having a lot of fun lately fishing for pre-spawn bluegills at a local quarry where the water is amazingly clear. You can make a 40 foot cast with a tiny jig, tract it as it falls through the water column, and watch a big bluegill come up and attack it at the 25 foot level...clear as a bell! Crazy! Plus, there are plenty of bass and some major-league crappies cruising about also. But not all the fish are deep...
This shelf holds many spawning bluegills and bass.
As you can see by the picture above, there is a fairly substantial shelf that many fish utilize for spawning. Looks shallow, but this is actually 10 feet deep or more. The darker water is way, way deep!
Back she goes!

Not a huge bass, but lots of fun on the ultra lights!

This was the best bluegill of the trip...a fine hen just over the ten-inch mark.
This wasn't the first time I had fished here. I enjoyed some summertime bluegilling here a few years back. But it seems that some of the gills have gotten a little bigger. And there always seems to be 2 to 3 pound bass swimming around. Neat, yet eerie place to fish with such deep, dark water and limited shoreline fishing available. Here are a couple more shots of my recent success at this small, public water...a gem!
More chubber gills!

A bonus largemouth bass!

Another 10-inch gill from a previous trip.

Almost all the fish took the 1/80th ounce Pink Thing hair jig & worm.

Yes, fishing in these clear conditions can be both exciting and challenging. You see the fish, they are coming to your bait, you get excited and maybe set the hook too soon. As I was watching all this action from above, I couldn't help but wonder how clearly God sees all of our actions and reactions throughout our life. And, when we are about to make a wrong move, or take the wrong bait, how He must cringe and labor as His heart gets broken, many times in our lifetime. He sees everything in perfect clarity, cheering us on when we do well and suffering pain when we don't. Like the true, Godly Father that He is, He has compassion for us, and emotions run high when He sees us stumble and fall. He loved us so much, that he gave His only Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us ( John 3:16 ) so that we could spend an eternity with Him. We can not reach heaven by working and tithing and serving or even doing any good deeds. We can not 'earn' His acceptance, because 'all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus." as it says in Romans 3:23.

Falling short, getting back up, asking forgiveness and believing in grace...seems clear to me. Praise be to Jesus!
I'm coming back to this place!


  1. Great pictures and this place looks so pretty!

  2. I'd would love to fish there but I'm guessing you're keeping this quarry a secret.

  3. Thanks for the kind words, guys! Yes, some of my places are under the radar, and that's mainly because the general public tends to 'fish down' quality populations of bluegill and crappie to the point the lake may never recover. I keep very few fish, and have released all bluegills I have caught over 10 inches for about 15 years now. Stay tuned for more bluecollar adventures!
