Monday, August 26, 2013


Nightfall on the bass grounds.
All is quiet on the fishing front as the sun settles and the moon rises. Frogs are croaking, bats are flying and mosquitoes are primed to suck blood. Forget about the heat of summer and the local box's time to fish. Some nights it's hot, and some nights it's not. Prepare to get muddy, loose a little sleep and maybe catch a few lunkers.
Frogs and critters beware!
Scary stuff when it's dark out...loud splashes, sudden impact strikes, surface explosions and a few snakes here and there. The potential for big fish beckons. Are you ready? Are your meds up?
We had a late evening engagement.
Often, just before sundown, the big girls come out to play. Stick worms and frogs catch a bunch, but some like the Jitterbugs and buzz baits for a top water treat. Sometimes you have to get wet and muddy to get a fish in. Here's a couple 'pre-dusk' fish that made our highlight reel...
My bro-in-law Paul with giant, just prior to the 'magic hour'.

Decent fish on a plastic frog.

My son Matt with a good 'un  on the frog and in the twilight.
The so-called 'magic hour'...that time of grey between sunset and total not always as magical as advertised. Some evenings the bass stop hitting right at sunset. Sometimes it will last another 20 minutes. Then again, sometimes it dies completely, and won't pick back up until 10 pm or later. You might have to loose some shut-eye. And you should check with you doctor before proceeding with any form of night bassing.
Paul scores in total darkness.

More tails from the dark side.

Wading for bass at night may be hazardous to you health.

Indeed, night time is very special, and exciting, to all the creatures of the earth, including bass, including man. Check out this truth from Psalm 104: 19 - 22...

'The moon marks off the seasons, and the sun knows when to go down.
You bring darkness; it becomes night, and all the beast of the forest prowl.
The lions roar for their prey, and seek their food from God.
The sun rises and they steal away, they return and lie down in their dens.'

Think about this...the next time you see the moon in full, hear an owl in the forest, or see a flash of lightning in the distant sky on a hot summer night. As it states further in verses 24 & 25...

'How many are your works, Oh Lord!
                     In wisdom You made them all;
                                    There is the sea, vast and spacious,
                                                 teeming with creature beyond number--
                                                             living things, both large and small'.

                                                        Behold His handiwork and detail!

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