Monday, January 23, 2012

Looking Down From Above

This picture kinda' says it all...little fish, big fish, structure, temperature. As fishermen, we utilize all kinds of electronic equipment to find and catch fish of all species. When I was a kid growing up, I never thought anything like this would ever be possible. This photo shows some big crappies hanging off the edge of a weed bed along with some smaller fish, likely bluegills, in the mix. Cool picture, cool representation of what we are seeing from above. As a result, we were able to catch some nice fish with this useful aid.
                                         This nice crappie couldn't escape the sonar.
                                           Neither could this nice bluegill.
But sometimes, we don't need the electronics to locate fish, like this big winter caught bluegill that was taken from the shoreline. Visual clues often tell the story just enough to get us on the right track...but not always! You see, we can only do so much within our own knowledge and perception to help lead us to success, whether it is in fishing, sports, work or our family life. If we really want to get the full picture, it is important to study and see what God has to say about it, which is something that I need to improve on as well. Check out some of the other cool creations God has allowed me to enjoy this season...
                                          Pumpkinseed sunfish during the spawn.
                                          Nice bluegill from a local stream.
                                           Monster hybrid sunfish from a local pond!
                                           And another big hybrid sunfish!
                                          Plus this 5 pound largemouth! Cool on 2 lb test!
And let's not forget about all those big and ugly carp and catfish we had the chance to catch this year...what great fun! Who knows what this year will bring? God knows!! And I can't wait to see what he does! Clearly, God has great intentions and plans for our lives, and sometimes we just let too many things get in the way of what he has in store for us.
Jeremiah 29:11 says this...'For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me and I will listen to you." I don't know about you, but those are the kind of plans I want, and I believe them with all my heart! Talk about looking down from above...God's sonar shows a lot more than just what is on that screen in the boat. He knows every hidden thing, every detail, every thought and every act to it's exact description. He knows it all, and me as exactly who I am. If that doesn't make a Godly man have chills, I don't know what would!

As ice is to a frozen pond, let Gods word solidify in your heart and see true beauty when all the others see starkness and cold. Remember Jeremiah 29:11, and His sovereign plans.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Panfish Galore, and Hold the Ice!

I must say, I am both thankful and blessed that I have spent the entirety of my life in an environment that is away from concrete and noise. Traffic sounds are foreign to me, and sounds of gunshots are made only by deer and waterfowl hunters where I live. The views are beautiful, and I need only walk out my door or take a short drive. There is no ice on the local ponds, so We plan on fishing through the winter. The big thing now is bluegills, as they feed, though softly, through out the cold months. Here are some I got on the last day of the year from a local pond...
Nice fish here took a waxworm on a 1/100th oz jig below a bobber.
Here's a classic bluegill-ninga pose.

                                             Caught a few dinks along the way!
                                                Mixed in were some big guys, too!
                                                    The sun came out for a little while!
                                                    Best fish of the day was this nice 10-incher!
                                                     They just had to have the jig and wax worm!
                                                        One of 14, should've had more.
Although the fishing was fun today, I missed about 25 fish as they struck so lightly. Some barely pulled the bobber under. With the water at 43 degrees, I am happy for what I did catch on this New Years Eve. It was not fast fishing, rather, you had to work for what you caught. This time last year, I was ice fishing, and catching plenty! Now, we have a mild winter so far, and I am thankful for that, too.
Psalm 147:7 says this...'Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving, make music to our God on the harp, He covers the sky with clouds, and supplies the earth with rain.' I can't play a harp, but I can play the guitar, and am thankful that he has permitted, yes permitted, me to worship Him with the instrument that I used to used to mock and make fun of Him with. When He allows me to worship Him, which is at any time, He allows me to be in His Holy Presence and to bask in His Glory.

This year, I just want to be more thankful! Thank you, Jesus, for loving and saving me!