Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Winter of Gold

It's been a mild winter in the Mid Atlantic, and a record warm January for most areas Back East. February has been warm, too, and the late evening sun on a 50 degree day is a welcomed sight as we look for spring.
Most of our fishing this winter has been for the golden fish, the carp, as we continue to bait and hook a few from our favorite southern Pennsylvania haunts. Most anglers nationwide, would not view these fish as catchable during the dead of winter. But we managed some quality fish, in excess of twenty pounds, in water as cold as 37 degrees F. Here are just a few of the fish Bob and I have caught...
                                                    My friend and carp expert Bob with a nice one.
                                                    Fighting a big fish in January...Cool!
My first carp of the year was this 'sympathy' carp that Bob allowed me to reel in after he hooked it. That day, I went 0 for 4 on runs. Bob felt sorry for me, and handed me the rod to at least feel what it was like to catch one! He's a good guy, yeah...right!
But I got back on track with this robust 36 inch fish took about 12 to 14 minutes to land. The carp certainly didn't know the water was 38 degrees! Fought well. I used dried pineapple chunks for bait...one of my favorites for the golden fish.
On most days, if we got one or two runs in a 4 hour session, we were happy. The loud bite alarms would occasionally interupt our bull sessions, and we would be 'forced' to check out what is on the other end.
                                                      Bob with another nice one.
This specimen was gaunt, thin and rough looking...obviously ill. The fish looked pretty bad, too. Actually, there was a infected wound on the left side of the carp's mouth that looked like it kept the fish from feeding properly. The fish had the length to be a twenty, but way too skinny. Hope he makes out better this spring.
The pineapple chunk paid off once again with this long, 38 inch mule that gave a good account of itself. No, we're not catching many, but most of them are big. Hey, man...it's February, and we're catching fish! And they are calling for more days in the 50's next week. Who needs spring!
Actually, we need spring...and summer, fall, and yes, even winter. Ecclesiastes 3 says this... 'There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven ' going on to cite ' a time to be born and a time to die, a time to kill and a time to heal...a time to weep and a time to laugh...a time to morn and a time to dance...' and many more seasons of our lives.
I do not know what season of life you are in, but I do know this...life without Jesus Christ is as empty as it can get. I don't care how rich you are or what possessions you have, like Solomon, you will be empty 'meaningless', as he put it, without God. As I hold and enjoy my precious grand daughter, Elena, my prayer is that she will one day love the Lord and open it up to Him who Saves.

                                               SEEK GOD...NOT GOLD.