Saturday, May 26, 2012


                                        They can swim, but they can't hide...period!

Have you ever known a fisherman who specialized in just one specie of fish, and was so good at catching that specie that he never really ventured into other waters for other species? Me neither, until I meet Mr. Bob last year at one of my favorite southern PA lakes. This guy knows how to carp fish, and he knows how to teach it as well. That's what makes a great fisherman...someone who is willing to share and show others how to catch big fish. Mr Bob has been catching carp since he was a kid and he has refined his tackle and tactics to maximize his time on the water. Many things go into being a great carp angler, but patience and hard work are paramount for success. Here are a couple pix from our latest trips...
Here's a nice 18 pounder I got back in early May on a pineapple boilie..long, pre-spawn male.
Carp whisperer Mr. Bob with an excellent 23 pound female on a cocktail. Big fish!
Nice 14 pound class carp with unusual dark coloration. Cool!
In the pouring rain, Mr. Bob got this chubby 15 pounder.

Now...have you ever noticed how it is that some people look a lot like the dogs they have? Well, the same thing applies to carp fishermen as well. Check it out...
Mr. Bob and the target specie bear close resemblance. And...
Me and this guy, well, we're not quite twins, but there are some striking similarities! Notice the moustaches on  both of these guys...see what I mean?

The success I have had carp fishing is due mainly to wanting to learn, finding a good teacher, and applying the info and wisdom for success. Yes, we chum areas to draw the fish and, yes, we use Euro-style bite alarms and multiple flavors of corn. And we seek new areas when old ones just stop producing, as pressured carp just avoid angling activity and move elsewhere. There is just as much carp techniques and tactics as there are for bass and trout. Worldwide, they are likely the most popular freshwater species, and have been for decades. A worthy challenge for all...that's why Mr. Bob respects and fishes for them. They're just a great gamefish!

Finding a teacher, one to make us successful and happy in life is essential. In 2 Timothy 3:16, it says ' Every word of scripture is God-breathed, and useful for teaching, rebuking and training up the man of righteousness to to every good work'. I have found no other guidebook anywhere close to what the Bible has taught me in the few years I have studied it. I believe it to be true, accurate and it 'whispers' strength and righteousness to me as the inherent, true word of God.


Sunday, May 13, 2012

When Good Gills Go Bad...

Once again, we are hanging out at the local pond scene in the Mason-Dixon region in search of big, bull bluegills that can challenge our microlight outfits. We fished during the 'Super Moon' phase the first week end of May, and the air temps jumped up to almost 90 degrees! As a result, water temps got to the magic 70 mark and we found some big gills spawning in some of our favorite ponds. I consider all ten-inch class bluegills as 'bad' fish, which really, is good! Check out some of the headliners...
Shown here is my bro-in-law, Paul, with a superfine male spawner...went back, too!
My boy Matt with real nice hen gill of 10.25 inches...his first fish of the!
Here's Matt with a matched pair of 10.25's, great fish just about any where!
                                         The fight is on! One of 146 we caught & released over the weekend.
                                          Another great hen!
                                                   And a 10.5 inch male.
                                                      Even I got some big gills gone bad!
                                         Check this out...redbreast X bluegill hybrid, a rare fish!
                                         This ultimate fighter refused to 'tap out'. What a warrior!
                                                   And a spawning female redbreast sunfish.

You know, not many people are fortunate enough to have some many good fishing places, so close to home, as I do. Some may laugh and make fun of the pond gig, thinking it kids stuff. But I truely enjoy the small water venues as much as just about anything out there right now. Close to home, tons of fish, beautiful settings, and the chance to fish uncrowded waters with family. What's there to 'not' like about that?

I love Psalms! Psalm 84: 3 states...'Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young...a place near your alter' Yes, bluegills, bass, swallows geese and swans, and all the creatures of the earth, were created by His divine hand. How cool it is that He let's us enjoy them, literally on a daily basis.
                                         LET US NOT TAKE THIS FOR GRANTED...