Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Real 'MARCH MADNESS''s almost April, but I must say that March has been good to us from the fishing standpoint. Despite my best efforts to locate and catch ice-out panfish, I seem to be covered up with quality largemouth bass. I'm hip with that...
March has been very good to me!
Just for kicks, we fished with fast moving Rattle Traps in sun-warmed shallows where warm surface water was stacked up in the warmest corners of small lakes and ponds. Water temps ran from 45 to 52 degrees F. Deep fish were only 3 feet down, and most bass were caught in 18 to 24 inches of warmer water. Crazy!
Here are a couple of party crashers...
Decent three pounder!

Huge head on this trim 4-pounder...should have been over 5.

Best day so far was 15 bass with nine from three to nearly six pounds.

This one hit just 10 feet off the bank!
Southern and westerly winds put warmer surface water into the northern shallows of any lake during early spring, drawing hungry bass that, like me, have had quite enough of this years winter. Rattle baits and #4 Mepps Aglias produce well now. Once water temps hit the mid 50's, it'll be another gig...likely with stickworms for pre-spawn girls out looking for a date.
Quarter ounce Rat-L-Traps catch big and small.

Lure cleaning required.

Bass Thumb indicates a good day on the water!
There are a  few hazards to the March Madness. I am refering to Bass Thumb, a chronic and debiletating  condition can make handling fish tough. Also...lots of weeds and algae to pull off the baits as they plow through the early greenery of the shallows. Toss these baits on 20-pound braid and you'll feel even the lightest strikes, as the lethargic, but girthy, bass seem to be waking up. Don't be afraid to fish shallow in your home lake shortly after ice-out...look for those sun-warmed areas on the northern shorelines with rip-rap or wood structure to hold the heat. You want the wind in your face, with 20 mph or better gusts pushing warmer water, and hawg bass, right into your lap. You might be surprised as to what you can catch out of 18 inches of water!
March Madness? What's to be mad about with fish like this?
Yes, March Madness has different meanings to different folks. I like the bass just out of the blocks from winters grip. Others dig the NCAA basketball frenzy. Yet others scarf up on the early crappie bite.

Different things, different people. Yup, we are all different, yet we all have one father. No...not our earthly father, buy rather, a heavenly father who ordained all the days of our lives before even one of them came to be, as pointed out in Psalm 139:16. And how cool is it to know pointed out in Psalm 139:14...


If you are reading this and you are down, discouraged, afraid or embittered, please know that you were 'wonderfully made' and that God loved you enough to allow His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on a cross for you some 2000 years ago. He has sought you out through this simple 'fish and faith' blog that He has allowed me to write. It is my hope and prayer that you will accept His perfect gift of grace and salvation and submit your life to the one who heals. will not be forever perfect, and we will have troubles. That's because we live in a sinful and fallen world. But surrendering to the King will change your life, and also your death, for eternity. You will be a child of God from this day forth, and His works are wonderful...


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