Sunday, July 20, 2014


Matt with a bonus slab white crappie that just 'had to have' a well-presented worm.
Isn't it funny how so many of us always sweat the little stuff? Day in and day out stuff, things that really don't mean that much. Stuff that, when we think about it, it could bring their grand total to almost nothing, and save a lot of worry. Fishing, like the game of life, is loaded with 'little stuff. And sometimes, it makes a difference.
A tiny morsel for a bull bluegill.
Let's talk about baits for a moment. You see, a 1/200th ounce jig, like the one in the bull bluegills mouth, may seem like really small stuff to us, but to the bluegill, it means a lot. Obviously, the fish are feeding on really small morsels of food, insects or invertebrates and this size profile is just right, at just the right time. Little stuff, but in abundance and it becomes the food of the day. I equate things like popcorn, potato chips and peanuts with 'small stuff' food items.
A cocktail approach for catching crappies.
But sometimes, we want a bigger mouthful than a morsel. Larger crappies like larger baits, even if they look a bit odd or 'busy'. And...we can sweeten the dish with a live minnow or and artificial bait for some added attraction like scent and taste. Essential, at most times, for catching a mess of fish for the pan or just to have fun with the gang or the family. The possibilities are endless, and, as fishermen, it is our job to make something attractive enough to fool the fish into biting....a decision that could possibly lead to the fishs' ultimate death. The art of deception is critical for success. Since we have devoted the bulk of our angling efforts to panfish species this year, here are some of our most recent fish that we were able to 'deceive'....
Matt's trophy 12 inch plus sunfish was lucky we were in 'CPR' mode.

Another giant panfish fooled with a simple worm.
Deceiving the slab crappie!

PJ with a bull gill on a tiny morsel.

Colorful male couldn't resist temptation. Can you?

Eater-sized redears will make a great meal.

This one went back...12.5 inches and 1 pound 14 ounces.

James and Cole get a helping had from Matt on deceiving bass!
Yes...deception is a component that is critical for success in the efforts of a fisherperson. It is also a powerful weapon that the enemy, the serpent and the father of lies, skillfully and seductively uses to pull us away from good and emerse us in evil and false promises. Like the fish that cruises the shallows looking for a meal, 'your enemy, the devil,  prowls around  like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour'. as pointed out in 1Peter, 5:8. The truth of this world is a far, far cry away from the truth of Gods' Word in the Holy Bible. There simply is no comparison. Gods' Word is whole, just and complete and as it says in the old hymn...

                                                 ' ALL OTHER GROUND IS SINKING SAND'

Be aware, be ready and be well-armed, as Ephesians 6: 11 says...'put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devils' schemes'. Settle for truth and refuse the lies of the enemy.

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